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Today's Motivational Story : Everything Happens for a Reason
One day, the king decided to go out hunting and he took the wise man with him, and during hunting a
terrible accident occurred to the king and he got one of his fingers chopped off. The king helplessly asked the wise man why such unfortunate incident had befallen on him since he has ruled his country with love and be respected by all his people. At that moment, the wise man just said “Every thing happens for a reason, and that’s great!”.

This time the king reacted with violence and indignation against the wise man: “You’ve been eating my food and living from my wealth, and now you have only these stupid words to say…. that it’s great to have my finger cutoff ?!” The King considered him to be crazy and insensitive, he then ordered his soldiers to throw the wise man into prison as a punishment.
Some people who has in the past sought the wise man’s advice visited him in his cell, and whenever there are visitors asking how he was doing, he calmly replied “Everything happens for a reason, and that’s great! ”. People were all puzzled and more and more people were convinced that the wise man was out of his mind.
After a period of time, the king decided again to go out on hunting expedition with his troops.He penetrated into a woods far away and suddenly be confronted by a cannibal tribe who was inhabiting in the forest. The tribe captured the King and everyone that he brought along. The cannibal tribe was actually preparing for the festival of sacrifice! They were searching for a perfect sacrifice for the worshiping and they got the King! The King is destined to be slain….
The shaman prepared for the ritual and examined the King. But the shaman later found out that one of the king’s fingers is severed,and for this, he said to the tribe master that this sacrifice is refused, because according to their religion that stipulates only perfect and complete sacrifices..and that if they proceed with an incomplete sacrifice – in their belief- will brings god’s curse upon them. They considered that the King is not “worthy” and the tribe master decided to release the King.
With great relief and still couldn’t believe that he got free from the tribe, the King now figured out that were it not for the fact that he had lost a finger, he would have lost his life. He remembered the words the wise man had told him – “Everything happens for a reason, and that’s great” – he realized that the wise man he had just recently thrown into prison had been right, after all.
The king,returning quickly to the capital, went to the wise man directly and brought him out of prison personally. He told the wise man how everything happened with him and how a cut finger saved his life! And that really was the best in that moment. But the King proceeded to ask: “In my case, it was indeed good that I lost my finger, but, what I wanted to ask you was, why you mentioned it was‘great’ when you were put into prison and given only dry scraps of bread to eat?”
The wise man,at no loss of words, replied: “Your Majesty, if I had not been locked up in prison, and left behind, I would have gone hunting with you and I would have been captured with everyone else. They would surely set you free because you are incomplete sacrifice, but for me, and like everyone else, I would have been sacrificed by the tribe. So it’s the best for me to be thrown in prison before this would happen, and it would be the best for you to have your finger cut before you would be a complete sacrifice …"
And he concluded with his habitual quote : “Everything happens for a reason, and that’s great…”
Lesson Learnt : Everything God does is perfect, He is never wrong. Often we complain about life, and the negative things that happen to us, forgetting that everything happens for a purpose. God knows why you are reading this message today, please bless someone with it by sharing it.
Shared by Ankita Sahni
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