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- He will spend his future life here. (wrong)
- He will spend his remaining life here. (correct)
- He will spend the rest of his life here. (correct)
- Explanation : For the rest of his life we may use his remaining life. As an adjective future means 'at a later time'.
- This is a worth seeing sight. (wrong)
- This is a sight of worth seeing. (correct)
- Explanation : When we use worth to suggest that a specified course of action is advisable, we use it after worth, and not before it.
- We have never seen a so good boy. (wrong)
- We have never seen so good a boy. (correct)
- Explanation : When so is used in the sense of 'to such a great extent', it modifies the whole noun phrase and comes before it.
- He got nearly cent per cent marks. (wrong)
- He got nearly full marks. (correct)
- Explanation : 'cent per cent' is non-gradable and cannot be modified by nearly or almost. 'Full' means containing as such or as many as possible.
- He is best player. (wrong)
- He is the best player.
- Explanation : A superlative adjective, e.g., best, is always preceded by THE.
- The New York is big city. (wrong)
- New York is a big city. (correct)
- Explanation : Names of most cities are not preceded by a definite article in English.
- The man is a member of the society. (wrong)
- Man is a member of society. (correct)
- Explanation : Man and society are used in a generic sense and do not need an article.
- We should love the god. (wrong)
- We should love God. (correct)
- Explanation : When the term 'God' refers to the supreme being who is believed to have created this universe, we do not use 'the' before it.
- She got an employment there. (wrong)
- She got employment there. (correct)
- Explanation : As an abstract noun, employment does not need an indefinite article.
- We should not make noise. (wrong)
- We should not make a noise. (correct)
- Explanation : Noise can be used as a mass noun as well as a countable noun. As a countable noun it means 'a lound or unpleasant sound' and is preceded by a.
- I have an urgent business. (wrong)
- I have urgent business or some urgent business. (correct)
- Explanation : Business is not a countable noun and cannot be preceded by an indefinite article.
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