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Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial.
Topic 1 : "Shuffling the deckchairs ?"
Topic 2 : "Finding a NEET balance"
- Shuffling - to move similar things from one position or place to another
- Deckchair - a folding chair for use outside
- Abrupt - sudden and unexpected
- Realignment - the process of changing the way an organization works
- Uncommon - unusual
- Unified - united / combined
- On the cards - to be likely to happen
- Motion - a formal suggestion made, discussed, and voted on at a meeting
- Stacked - covered or filled with a large amount of things
- Coalition - the joining together of different political parties or groups for a particular purpose, usually for a limited time
- Monarchy - a country that has a king or queen
- Devastation - great destruction or damage
- Turmoil - a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty
- Protesting - expressing an objection to what someone has said or done
- Promulgation - to announce something publicly, especially a new law
- Peculiar - different to what is normal or expected / strange
- Circumstances - events that change something, over which you have no control
- Constituent - a voter in a particular area of the country
- Status quo - the present situation
- Enthusiasm - a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity
- Decentralisation - to move the control of an organization or government from a single place to several smaller ones
- Volte face - a sudden change from one set of beliefs or plan of action to the opposite
- Marriage of convenience - a marriage that is arranged for practical, financial, or political reasons
- Motley - consisting of many different types that do not appear to go together
- Hushed - very quiet and serious
- Less privileged - people who are poor and have no social advantages
- Redistribution - to share something out differently from before, especially in a fairer way
- Redouble - make or become much greater
- Post-quake - after the earth quake
- Cynicism - the belief that people care only about themselves and are not sincere or honest
- Cynics - people who believe that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere
Topic 2 : "Finding a NEET balance"
- Immense - great
- Administrator - a person responsible for carrying out the administration of a business or organization
- Ordinance - an authoritative order
- Refrained - stop oneself from doing something
- Suspending - to stop something from being active, either temporarily or permanently
- Displeasure - unhappy
- Obvious - easy to see, recognize, or understand
- Chaos - a situation in which everything is confused and in a mess
- Legality - the fact that something is allowed by the law
- Blame - to say that someone did something wrong
- Vrdict - an official judgment made in a court
- Striking down - (of a court) to decide that a law or rule is illegal and should be ignored
- Regulations - a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority
- Aided - working with the help of somebody
- Reinstate - restore (someone or something) to their former position or state
- Sole - only
- Transparent - open and honest, without secrets
- Exploitative - using someone unfairly for your own advantage
- Laid down - to officially establish a rule, or to officially say how something should be done
- Curb - to control or limit something that is not wanted
- Commercialisation - to organize something to earn money and make a profit
- Pool - a group of people who are available to work
- Extant - used to refer to something very old that is still existing
- Impervious - unable to be affected by
- Diverse - very different from each other
- Feasible - possible and practical to do easily or conveniently
- Hastily - hurriedly
- Thrust - to push suddenly and strongly
- Deliberation - considering or discussing something
- Spelling out something - to explain something in a very clear way with details
- Ingredients - necessary parts of something
- Impinge - to have an effect on something
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