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I am sharing English Vocab from Hindustan Times dated 13 April 2016
Hope you Like it. Happy Reading :)
Topic-1 : No sinecures for the higher judiciary
1. Sinecures (noun)- a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit
eg- No sinecures for the higher judiciary.
2. Excoriated (verb)- criticize (someone) severely
eg- The commission exocirated the police and social media but exculpated the state govt.
3. Exculpate (verb)-show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing. (अपराधमुक्त करना)
sy- Acquit
4. Disinformation (noun)-false information which is intended to mislead.
eg- It held the disinformation campaign on social media responsible for fanning communal frenzy.
5. Fanning- increase the strength
sy- provoke, agitate,intensify
eg- It held the disinformation campaign on social media responsible for fanning communal frenzy.
6. Frenzy (noun)- a state or period of uncontrolled excitement (पागलपन)
sy- madness,mania
eg- It held the disinformation campaign on social media responsible for fanning communal frenzy.
7. Allege (verb)-claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof
eg- (i)he alleged that he had been assaulted (ii) He allege that two Hindu youth were killed.
8. Notwithstanding (conjunction/preposition)- in spite of,although
eg- Notwithstanding social media's capacity to create mischief and the need to restrain it, the clean chit given to officials in baffling
9. Restrain (verb)- prevent (someone or something) from doing something; keep under control or within limits
sy- control,curb,regulate
eg- Notwithstanding social media's capacity to create mischief and the need to restrain it, the clean chit given to officials in baffling.
10. Baffling- To confuse or perplex, especially so as to frustrate or prevent from taking action.
eg- Notwithstanding social media's capacity to create mischief and the need to restrain it, the clean chit given to officials in baffling.
(ii)"the crime is a baffling mystery for the police
11. Indict (verb)- formally accuse of or charge with a crime.
eg- (i)He has not indicted any ruling party.
(ii)His former manager was indicted for fraud.
12. Exonerated- absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing
sy- acquit, clear
eg- The commission exonerated the Union Govt and the Congress Leaders.
13.Depart- leave, especially in order to start a journey or job
eg- (i)they departed for US.
(ii)departed from well- established tradition
14. Depose (verb)- remove from office suddenly and forcefully
eg- Victims would be able to depose fearlessly.
15. Bolster (verb)- support or strengthen
eg- He allowed a battery of lawyers who were anti-victims to bolster the proposition that it was not a pogrom
16. Pogrom- violent riot aimed at massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly one aimed at Jews
sy- Massacre, slaughter, genocide
eg- He allowed a battery of lawyers who were anti-victims to bolster the proposition that it was not a pogrom
17. Ingrained (adj)- firmly fixed or established; difficult to change
sy- established, fixed,deep-rooted
eg- a deeply ingrained feature
18. Witch-hunt - a campaign directed against a person or group holding views considered unorthodox or a threat to society.
eg- (i)He claimed he was the victim of a media witch-hunt.
19. Spell out something (idiom)- to explain something in detail
eg- he found it necessary to spell out the position
20. Prospect- Chances
1. Big cat (noun) - any of the large members of the cat family, including the lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, snow leopard, clouded leopard, cheetah, and puma
2. Decline- reduce,dwindle, diminish
3. Signatories- One who has signed a contract or other legal document as a party
4. Covert- not openly acknowledged or displayed
sy- secret, furtive
eg- in the covert journey
5. Pursuit - the action of pursuing someone or something
eg- the pursuit of economic development
6. Submerge (verb)- cause (something) to be under water.
7. Ignite (verb)- catch fire or cause to catch fire
eg- it must also ignite a debate
8. Tackle (verb)- make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task)
eg- to tackle the challenges
E-mail- snazzy.meenakshi@gmail.com
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