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Topic 1 : "The health net should cover all"
- Catastrophic - involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering
- Expenditure - an amount of money spent
- Calibrated - To make corrections in; adjust
- Bring up the rear - to be at the back of a group that is going somewhere
- Out-of-pocket - used about money that you have to spend yourself rather than having it paid for you, for example by your employer or insurance company
- Dialysis - a process of separating substances from liquid by putting them through a thin piece of skin-like material, especially to make pure the blood of people whose kidneys are not working correctly
- Intervention - the act or fact of becoming involved intentionally in a difficult situation
- Overdue - not done or happening when expected or when needed
- Hospitalisation - the act of taking someone to hospital and keeping them there for treatment
- Backed - give financial, material, or moral support to
- Scaled-up - o increase the size, amount, or importance of something, usually an organization or process
- Evident - easily seen or understood
- Augment - to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it
- Capping - covering
- Standardised - to make things of the same type all have the same basic features
- Aspect - a particular part or feature of something
- Viable - capable of working successfully
- Profiteering - to take advantage of a situation in which other people are suffering
- Amorphous - having no fixed form or shape
- Oversight - a mistake made because of a failure to notice something
- Hazard - a danger or risk
- Unethical - not morally correct
- Nominal - very smal
- Pegged - identified / marked
- Retard - to make something slower
- Skew - to cause something to be not straight or exact
- Availing - using
- Vital - essential (absolutely necessary)
- Roster - a list of people's names, often with the jobs they have been given to do
- Nephrologists - kidney specialist
- Incidence - the occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease
- Renal - relating to the kidneys
- Laudable - deserving praise
- Underscores - highlights
- Imperative - extremely important or urgent
Topic 2 : "Looking beyond economic quick-fixes"
- Beyond - outside or after a specific limit
- Quick fix - an easy remedy or solution (especially a temporary one)
- Drove home - to state something in a very forceful and effective way
- Persisting - continue to exist
- Slowdown - a decline in economic activity
- Reiterated - say something again or a number of times (for clarity)
- Coordinated - effectively organized so that all the parts work well together
- Multilateral - involving more than two groups or countries
- Turbulence - a state of confusion without any order
- Prescription - the act of telling someone else what they must have or do
- Gathering - meeting
- Stimulus - something that causes growth or activity
- Over-reliance - over dependence or trust in someone or something
- Along expected lines - similar to something as expected
- Pressed hard - having a lot of difficulties doing something (especially because there is not enough time or money)
- Ought to - have to
- Adopt - choose to take up or follow (an idea, method, or an action)
- Stimulus - something that causes growth or activity
- Counterpart - a person or thing that has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization
- Categorical - without any doubt or possibility of being changed
- Ruled out - to say officially that something is impossible or will not happen
- Insist - demand something forcefully
- Reforms - make changes in something in order to improve it
- Remedy - a successful way of dealing with a problem or difficulty
- Divergence - the situation in which two things become different
- Perception - the way in which something is understood or interpreted
- Underpinned - to give support to something
- Refrain - to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something
- Devaluation - official lowering of the value of a country's currency
- Soothe - to make someone feel calm or less worried
- Significant - sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention
- Depreciation - a decrease in the value of a currency relative to other currencies
- Renminbi - the system of currency of the People's Republic of China
- Turmoil - a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty
- Volatility - changing suddenly and unexpectedly
- Pose - to cause something (especially a problem / difficulty)
- Concern - anxiety / worry
- Emerging - starting to exist
- Recession - a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad
- Collapse - the sudden failure of a system, organization, business, etc
- Impact - a marked effect or influence
- Contracted - decreased in size, number, or range
- Crisis - a time of geat difficulty or danger
- Concerted - coordinated
- Pledge - to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something
- Meltdown - a complete failure (especially in financial matters)
- Immense - extremely large or great
- Stabilisation - to fix something (to stop changes)
- Equitable - treating everyone fairly and in the same way
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