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Topic 1 : "A dangerous escalation"
- Execution - the legal punishment of killing someone
- Cleric - a priest or religious leader (Christian or Muslim one)
- Flare-up - a situation in which violence suddenly starts
- Sectarian - a person strongly supporting a particular religious group and not willing to accept other beliefs
- Prominent - famous
- Segregation - to keep one group of people apart from another and treat them differently (because of caste / race)
- Monarchy - the system of having a king or queen
- Driving force - someone or something that has the power to make things happen
- Seminary - a training college for priests
- Stand-off - an argument, contest, etc., in which there is no winner
- Snowball - increase rapidly in size / importance
- Full-blown - fully developed
- Crisis - an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty
- Overtones - something that is suggested, but is not clearly stated
- Ransacked - to search a place, stealing things and causing damage
- Downgraded - reduced
- Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument
- Torn apart - to cause something to separate unwillingly
- Taking baby steps - initial stages of something
- Strife - angry disagreement
- Aftermath - the after-effects of an unpleasant event
- Invasion - an action or process that affects someone's life in an unpleasant and unwanted way
- Monarch - a king or queen
- Poured oil in fire - increased danger
- Instability - the state of being unstable
- Supremacy - the position of being the best
- Proxy - the authority to represent someone else
- Set the scene/stage - the conditions have been made right for something to happen
- Ally - a state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose
- Rein - to control
- Escalation - a rapid increase (raise)
- Rivalry - a situation in which people compete with each other for the same thing
- Plunge - to become lower in value or level very suddenly and quickly
- Chaos - complete disorder and confusion
Topic 2 : "Bridging cricket’s credibility deficit"
- Overhaul - to repair or improve something so that every part of it works as it should
- Scrutiny - critical observation or examination
- Cosy - comfortable and pleasant
- Fiefdom - an area or type of activity that is controlled by someone
- Credibility - the quality of being trusted and believed in
- Deficit - loss
- Cash-rich - having a lot of cash available to spend
- Opaque - not able to be seen through (not transparent)
- Accountability - responsibility
- Mooted - suggested
- Sweeping - affecting many things or people
- Reform - make changes in order to improve it
- Radically - from basics
- Vastly - very much
- Impart - to transmit
- Cooling-off period - a period in which two groups who are arguing can try to improve the situation before taking further action
- Brazenly - openly (without any attempt to be hidden)
- Barred - banned
- Cast a dark shadow over/on something - to spoil a good situation with something unpleasant
- Hinge on something - depends on something
- Adherence to - being faithful to
- Ambit - the scope of something
- Equitable - treating everyone fairly and in the same way
- Affiliated - officially attached or connected to an organization
- Whimsical - unusual and strange in a way that might be funny or annoying
- Unsavoury - unpleasant / offensive
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