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1. As Suraj is ahead of Ghana by eight ranks, there are seven per-sons between Suraj and Ghana. Hence, Virat is eight ranks be-hind Ghana by which his rank is 33rd in the class. Hence, I is sufficient.
Statement II does not indicate the position of Virat.
Ans: 1
2. By combining both the statements it is clear that E and Q are the only two daughters of Y. Hence, both the statements are required.
Ans: 5
3. From Statement II, "late" is the only common word which is indicated by "De". Hence, only II is sufficient.
Ans: 2
4. From Statement I, R >P. Hence, R is the heaviest. From S statement II, R is the heaviest person. Hence, either I or II is sufficient.
Ans: 3
5. It cannot be determined as only the direction is given but distance between A and M as well as that of between Z and M is not given. Hence, neither I nor II is sufficient.
Ans: 4
As all the given statements are affirmative, there is a possibility of "some Rats are Tiles". Hence, both the conclusions form a complementary pair.
As all the given statements are affirmative, there is a possibility of "some Rats are Tiles". Hence, both the conclusions form a complementary pair.
Answer is "Only III with either I or II" follows.
Ans: 3
As all the given statements are affirmative, there is a possibility of "All cots are bats". Hence, both the conclusions form a complementary pair. Answer is "Only III with Either I or II" follows.
Ans: 3
Clearly, only II and III conclusion are valid
Ans: 2
"No roof is wall" is a valid conclusion as the statement given is "No wall is roof". No pen is door is also valid. Hence, conclusion II and III follow.
Ans: 2
Clearly, both I and II conclusions are valid. All sockets can be switches. Hence, conclusion III is not valid.
Ans: 1
(11-15) By comparing
11. (a) (b) & (d) WORK = kat
Ans: 4
12. (b) & (d) EXCELLENT = mat
Ans: 3
13. (a) & (c) MONEY = lat
Ans: 1
14. (d) RESULTS = Either zat or da
Ans: 3
15. (b) PRODUCTIVE = Either ta or pat. Hence, cannot be determined.
Ans: 5
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