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Name : Pravin Rajendra Thorat
Place : Hotel Varsha Inn, Cidco, Aurangabad.
Date : 18 Nov.
Time : 8.30 a.m.
Panel : 1 ( 4 male + 1 female )
Medium : Marathi + English
Graduation : Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ( 2014 passout )
I was the last interview candidate to be interviewd in panel 1 (morning batch), so my interview lasted for only 4 minutes.
(May be the panel members were too hungry :P ,
because all other candidates had their interviews for avg.10 minutes).
My turn came at 1.20 p.m.
Questions asked :
1) Family background
2) Passout year ?
3) Why banking after engineering?
4) Had you joined coaching classes or not?
5) How much land ( farm ) you have?
6) Do u have any knowledge about agriculture?
7) How can you say that a bank is good or not?
8) What are the assets of a bank?
9) What is CRAR?
10) What is current rate of CRAR?
Some cross questions also were asked.
All panel members & document verification staff members were friendly.
This was my first ever interview & I am positive about the result.
I hope soon I will be sharing my success story on this wonderful website after the declaration of the RRB final results :).
Hoping for the best.
Thanks to Gr8AmbitionZ website for all the stduy materials & valuable guidance :)
Thank You :)
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