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October 05, 2016

General Awareness Quiz for Competitive Exams 2016

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  1. "World Investment Report" is the publication of _____________
    1. UNDP
    2. IBRD
    3. Transparency International
    4. UNCTAD
    5. None of these 
  2. Consider the following Statements :
    • A. The name "United Nations" was devised by then U.S. President Franklin D.Roosevelt. 
    • B. The League of Nations is the UNO's predecessor. 
    • C. The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945. 
    • D. The United Nations currently has 193 member countries. .
      • Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
        1. A only
        2. B only C only
        3. C only
        4. All are correct 
        5. None of these
  3. Which Organisation created the SDR as an international reserve asset in 1969 to supplement its member countries' official reserves?
    1. UNO
    2. WTO
    3. IMF
    4. IBRD
    5. None
  4. Which organization officially commenced on January 1, 1995 under the Marrakech Agreement  ?
    1. GATT
    2. WTO
    3. IMF
    4. ADB
    5. None of these 
  5. Which of the following is the South America's leading Trade Bloc ?
    1. SAFTA
    2. NAFTA
    3. Benelux
    4. Mercosur
    5. None of these 
  6. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
    1. Petronas : Kaula Lumpur
    2. Statue of Liberty : Washington
    3. Eiffel Tower : Paris
    4. Sears Tower : Chicago
    5. None of these 
  7. The first Governor of RBI :
    1. Sir Osborne Smith
    2. Sir James Taylor
    3. Sir C.D.Deshmukh
    4. Sir Benegal Rama Rau
    5. None of these 
  8. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
    1. Darjeeling : Himachal Pradesh
    2. Mt.Abu : Rajasthan
    3. Mussoorie : Uttarakhand
    4. Mannar : Kerala
    5. Pollachi : Tamil Nadu
  9. At present, the total number of High Courts in India ?
    1. 21
    2. 22
    3. 23
    4. 24
    5. None
  10. The Project Tiger was launched in _____________
    1. 1973
    2. 1983
    3. 1993
    4. 2003
    5. None 
  11. The first National Emergency was declared in India in _____________
    1. 1962
    2. 1971
    3. 1975
    4. 1980
    5. None 
  12. The first Lok Sabha General elections was held in _____________
    1. 1950-51
    2. 1951-52
    3. 1952-53
    4. 1953-54
    5. None of these
  13. The duration of First five year plan in India :
    1. 1950-55
    2. 1951-56
    3. 1952-57
    4. 1953-58
    5. None of these 
  14. The first Atomic Power Station in India setup in _____________
    1. Kakrapar
    2. Kaiga
    3. Kalpakkam
    4. Tarapur
    5. None of these 
  15. In context with Auto mobile Industry, what are Volkswagen, Daimler, BMW, Porsche and Audi?
    1. USA's Automobile companies
    2. Japan's Automobile companies
    3. South Korea's Automobile companies
    4. Germany's Automobile companies
    5. None of these 
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